Coffee Machine Solutions.

Leak-free. Corrosion resistant.
Space efficient.

  • Reliable Connections for
    consumer and commercial coffee machines.
    Oetiker connections provide quick and easy installation with uniform compression in restricted spaces. Our trusted clamps can be found within coffee machines between the pump, distributor, heater and brewer. Offering the best solution for each connection, our clamps and rings withstand even the highest pressure, and ensure that hot water runs leak-free in both commercial and consumer coffee machines.
  • Oetiker Clamps for Coffee Machines
    Coffee Machine Heater brewer
  • Oetiker SMILE Compact Leak-free Connections
    To ensure water runs leak-free through the coffee machine, Oetiker offers the right product portfolio. With our StepLess® technology we guarantee 360° sealing, making sure the water runs only where intended.
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  • Oetiker SMILE Adaptable Corrosion Resistance
    Corrosion resistance is important whenever water is involved. We understand this need within a coffee machine, and offer reliable connecting solutions, ensuring high preformance and corrosion resistance.
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  • Oetiker SMILE Efficient Space Efficiency
    Since space in a coffee machine is limited, every connection should take up the least amount of space possible. Oetiker also offers clamp styles without an 'ear' to make the most of the space available while still ensuring the right performance.
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  • Introducing:StepLess® Ear Clamps 167 Our StepLess® Ear Clamps 167 are the perfect solution for coffee machine connections because they are available in small sizes, ensuring it can seal even the thinest hose. With its stainless steel material, the clamp is corrosion resistant, ensuring a reliable performance throughout the lifecycle of the product. With the 360° StepLess® technology, the clamp withstands even the highest pressure, making it ideal for coffee machine connections.

    See product details
  • Coffee machine pump
Frequently Asked Questions
Oetiker Medical Answers to common questions regarding Oetiker Coffee Machine connecting solutions.
  • Leak-free Connections
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Space Efficiency
  • Assembly Efficiency
  • General
Brochures & Technical Data
Oetiker Medical FAQ Download Oetiker Coffee Machine brochures and other product information.
  • Coffee Machine Brochure
  • Home Appliances Brochure
  • StepLess® Ear Clamps 167 Technical Data